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Manhattan's Jewish Veteran's Organization
A Jewish Voice for Veterans, A Veteran's Voice for Jews
125 anniversary pin.webp

Our members are an extended family, joined together by our military service. 

Why JWV Post 1?

It's easy to get lost within Manhattan's crowds.


With a unique perspective as Veterans, we seek each other's company.  We share experiences, help each other, and preserve the memory of our comrades' sacrifices.  Service is core to our being.  We know what really matters.

Whether it was aboard a ship, in a jungle or desert, or flying where only eagles dare, we have been places and done things that most people only dream of.  We need each other to share our stories, and understand our values.  As Jews, we found connections in some foresaken, improbable part of the world.  We need each other to vouch that we were really "there."


Assisting at the Manhattan VA


Meeting and Greeting at Fleet Week



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